Saturday, December 28, 2019
How to Feel Rich No Matter How Much Money You Make- The Muse
How to Feel Rich No Matter How Much Money You Make- The MuseHow to Feel Rich No Matter How Much Money You MakeImagine if someone stopped you on the street and asked if you considered yourself to be wealthy. (OK, your first instinct would probably be to just keep walking.) But say you then started reflecting on it. Id bet the first things that come to mind are income, financial assets, or material possessions. You might think about how much you have left to pay off on your student or car loans, whether you can afford to go on vacations or out to fancy dinners, or how much youve saved for retirement. For 10 years, I worked as a brand marketer in the corporate world, mostly for consumer goods companies in the U.S. and U.K. My job looked pretty perfect on paper- nice salary, comfy corporate office, fancy job title, and the reputation that comes with working for established, blue-chip corporations. I had the kind of job youre supposed to have after you finish your MBA- one that signals yo ure professionally successful.And that sort of prestige- and money- was definitely appealing.However, I reached a point where I no longer felt excited by my work. Things started to get repetitive. I became less interested during meetings, and deep down, I wasnt feeling engaged with my work. I looked ahead, and I knew this pattern wasnt sustainable.So two years ago, I decided to leave my marketing job behind to launch my own career consultancy, something Id been pondering for many years. Right after I left, I found myself thinking a lot about my finances because they initially took a major hit. The days of corporate perks, financial incentives, and year-end bonuses came to an abrupt halt. I went from having a very stable income to a completely unpredictable one. But over time, my perspective on money changed too I earned enough to make ends meet, adopted a leaner lifestyle, and learned a tremendous amount about what being wealthy really means to me. Here are five better ways to measu re it in your life 1. Are You Doing Work That Matters?Theres really no better feeling than having a positive impact on others. For example, my professional mission is now centered on helping people bravely relaunch their careers and pursue meaningful work. I look forward to every single day because my work aligns with the principles and desired impact I wish to make in my career and life. Related Do What You Love How to Identify and Pursue Your Passions2. Are You Able to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle?These days, my schedule allows me to eat better, sleep better, and exercise more regularly. All things I knew were important before- but never had the time to really prioritize. Being healthy leads to a cycle of overall personal and professional wellbeing. Having time to exercise each morning means feeling so much more energized and pumped about the day ahead. I no longer have the afternoon slumps I used to have the past- making for more productive days overall. Related Heres the Habit Y ou Should Prioritize Over Work if You Want to Be More Successful3. Do You Have Time With the People You Love?I feel happier when I have more time with people in my life like my wife, family, and friends. Yes, when I received a bigger paycheck, I had more money to travel to see friends far and wide- but I never found the time to actually do that (or even call before 10 PM on a week night). Unlike with my corporate job, nowadays, I can take extended trips to visit my family and friends, many of whom live overseas- without feeling rushed. Relationships keep me going, and I can now make a point to prioritize them accordingly. Related Heres the Surprising Secret to Making Your Free Time Worthwhile4. Do You Have Control Over Your Schedule?Flexibility is a true luxury. Although Im a creature of habit, Im someone who loves a lot of variety in my day. So being able to shift my work schedule around helps me feels more in control and avoid burn out. Simple steps like changing the order of your daily tasks, stepping out of the office to work in a cafe, or participating in some sort of physical activity during the day can keep you more engaged and efficient. Even just changing your lunch routine- sometimes eating with others to connect while sometimes eating alone to reflect- can create a different rhythm to your day.Related 3 Better Alternatives to Working at Your Desk for 8 Hours in a Row (Because Thats Just Wrong)5. Do You Have Freedom to Pursue Your Interests?During those times in my life when I was focused on one subject, I was never completely fulfilled. I never had a portfolio career until I actually gave myself permission to pursue a variety of professional interests simultaneously. Now, Im able to do a mischung of motivational speaking, workshops, one-on-one coaching, writing, personal brand strategy, and business building- all related to my core mission, but all different enough that I never get bored. Related How to Find and Make Time for Your Passion Even When Youre BusyDo status and money still matter to me? Sure. Do I still think about material wealth? Yes. But I know its not worth sacrificing everything else in my life that makes me feel happy and fulfilled. Ultimately, fueling my passions, health, relationships, control, and freedom makes me happier, more satisfied, and energized every single day. And heres the really incredible part- dedicating yourself to something more than your paycheck doesnt have to spell financial ruin. You can pay your bills and have the time to enjoy your life. You just have to decide money isnt the only thing that creates wealth in your life.Photo of man by the ocean courtesy of Shutterstock.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
VMware Internship Opportunities
VMware Internship OpportunitiesVMware Internship OpportunitiesVMware allows companies to adopt a wolke model that makes it easier to do business. VMware is a global leader in virtualization and cloud computing and helps customers make an easier transition that also preserves investments, security, and control. Internships As a VMware intern, you will get a chance to help build innovative, game-changing IT products. The company offers internships that are challenging and rewarding and provides students with hands-on experience in a field that changes by the minute. VMware is thirsty for the talents college students bring to the table, and they know that behauptung bright interns are a great way to bring new customers in through their knowledge and innovative ideas. Interns Participate In Meaningful projects that tie into company goalsOne-on-one mentorshipNetworking opportunitiesExecutive talks with QAMBA/Business lunch chatsTech talksService Learning volunteering through the V Mware FoundationApplication Development contestsProject presentationsEngineering poster sessionsBusiness presentationsSocial activitiesVolunteer VIP (VMware Intern Prodigy) Program Benefits Highly competitive salaryHousing assistanceBeautiful campusEmployee discountsTransportation reimbursementsSubsidized fitness facilities To Be Successful, Interns Are Expected to Be Hard workingIntellectually curiousGlobal-mindedAgile and highly adaptiveWilling to take ownership and responsibilityCollaborative and full partners with each otherLeading with creative and innovative ideasAble to execute and deliver Areas of Opportunity for Students and New Grads Engineering/Research Development Computer Virtualization, Distributed Systems, Applications, Operating Systems, Partner Engineering, Performance Engineering, Program Management, Quality Assurance/Certification, SDKs, Security, User Experience Engineering, User Interfaces, Technical Operations, Tech Publications, Cloud Platform Fin ance Accounting Financial Planning Analysis, Finance Operations, Mergers Acquisitions, Pricing Licensing, Shared Services, Treasury, Product Marketing, Product Management, Product Marketing, Product Management Strategy Corporate Development Strategy, Business Development, Mergers Acquisitions VMware offers college students interested in bothpresent and future careers in IT and cloud computing many internships and entry-level jobs to get started. Locations Palo Alto, CA (Headquarters) Cambridge, MA Bangalore, India Beijing, China Sofia, Bulgaria Cork, Ireland Opportunities are also available in San Francisco, Seattle, Toronto, Colorado, Oregon, Utah, France, United Kingdom, Denmark, and more to come. To Apply Finding internships andentry-level jobs with VMware is as easy as checking out their website. You can also sign up to receive email notifications for relevant internships and jobs you may be interested in. When applying for an internship, be sure your resume and co ver letter are the very best they can be by using these helpful tips 5 Steps to Improve a Resume Organize your informationHighlight your qualificationsUse bullet points to display important informationInclude only relevant information and remove any clutterMake sure your resume is error-free 5 Steps to Improve a Cover Letter Address your cover letter to the right personCapture the readers attentionMake your cover letter stand outMake sure your cover letter is error-freeAsk for an interview at the end of your letter By following these steps, you will be well on your way to getting yourself noticed by employers in hopes of getting called for an interview. The sole purpose of a resume and cover letter is to land an interview, so the effort it takes to improve your documents is well worth it.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Rheumatologist Career Overview - Job Description, Skills, Duties, Education, Training, Job Outlook Salary
Rheumatologist Career Overview - Job Description, Skills, Duties, Education, Training, Job Outlook SalaryRheumatologist Career Overview - Job Description, Skills, Duties, Education, Training, Job Outlook SalaryRheumatologist Job DescriptionA rheumatologist works examines, diagnoses, and consults for most appropriate course of treatment for a given condition. He may order investigative / diagnostic tests like laboratory tests, X-rays, and chemical pathology.Treatment includes medicines like non-inflammatory drugs, steroids and the only-just introduced anti-bodies. Physical therapy and occupational therapy are alternative methods to hasten recovery.A Rheumatologist makes use various non surgical techniques and treatment options to diagnose and effectively manage rheumatic conditions. There are more than 100 kinds of rheumatic diseases that are handled by rheumatologists.Create this ResumeRheumatologist Skills/DutiesA rheumatologist diagnoses and treats disorders that affect the bones , muscles and joints and are frequently a result of immune system dysfunction.Rheumatologists order for certain tests and investigations to be carried out to help with the diagnosis and treatment. Common conditions that a rheumatologist handles are arthritis, gout, fibromyalgia, lupus and osteoporosis.Rheumatologist Education and Training To become a rheumatologist, you must first by complete a 4 year Bachelors program. This is followed by Medical school (4 years course). After graduating, you must appear for exams to be given state licenses to practice medicine. Once certified, you have to complete 3 years in Internal Medicine or 3 years in Pediatrics Residency Program, depending on interest. After the residency, you must take a board certification exam from the American Board of Internal Medicine or the American Board of Pediatrics. After the residency and preliminary certification examination, you complete 1 to 2 years of supplementary education specific to rheumatology. After th at you take one final exam through the American Board of Internal Medicine to obtain certification in the field.Rheumatologist Job OutlookWith a growing health care industry, the job prospect for all health care professionals is good. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that the number of jobs for doctors and medial professionals will increase faster than average up to 2014.Rheumatologists working in research find better employment due to a development in understanding of autoimmune diseases the cause of most rheumatic disorders.Whats more, a tiny fraction of all the doctors specialize in rheumatology. Thus, the job outlook looks really good.Rheumatologist SalaryThe current mean salary of a Rheumatologist in the United States is about $166,591 per year. In general, the salary of a Rheumatologist is based on his years of practice and experience, the type of facility, the location and shifts. Customize ResumeMore Sample Career ArticlesRheumatologist Career Virologist Career
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Occupational Therapist Sample Job Description
Occupational Therapist Sample Job DescriptionOccupational Therapist Sample Job DescriptionOccupational Therapist Sample Job DescriptionThisoccupational therapistsample job description can assist in your creating a job application that will attract job candidates who are qualified for the job. Feel free to revise this job description to meet your specific job duties and job requirements.Occupational Therapist Job ResponsibilitiesFacilitates development and rehabilitation of patients with mental, emotional, and physical disabilities by planning and administering medically prescribed occupational therapy.Occupational Therapist Job DutiesMeets the patients goals and needs and provides quality care by assessing and interpreting evaluations and test results determining occupational therapy treatment plans in consultation with physicians or by prescription.Helps patient develop or regain physical or mental functioning or adjust to disabilities by implementing programs involving manual arts and crafts, practice in functional, prevocational, vocational, and homemaking skills, activities of daily living, and sensorimotor, educational, recreational, and social activities directing aides, technicians, and assistants.Promotes maximum independence by selecting and constructing therapies according to individuals physical capacity, intelligence level, and interest.Prepares patient for return to employment by consulting with employers determining potential employee difficulties retraining employees helping employers understand necessary physical and job result accommodations.Evaluates results of occupational therapy by observing, noting, and evaluating patients progress recommending and implementing adjustments and modifications.Completes discharge planning by consulting with physicians, nurses, social workers, and other health care workers contributing to patient care conferences.Assures continuation of therapeutic plan following discharge by designing and instructing patients , families, and caregivers in home exercise programs recommending and/or providing assistive equipment recommending outpatient or home health follow-up programs.Documents patient care services by charting in patient and department records.Maintains patient confidence and protects hospital operations by keeping information confidential.Maintains panzerschrank and clean working environment by complying with procedures, rules, and regulations.Protects patients and employees by adhering to infection-control policies and protocols.Ensures operation of equipment by completing preventive maintenance requirements following manufacturers instructions troubleshooting malfunctions calling for repairs.Maintains professional and technical knowledge by attending educational workshops reviewing professional publications establishing personal networks participating in professional societies.Develops occupational therapy staff by providing information developing and conducting in-service training pr ograms.Complies with federal, state, and local legal and certification requirements by studying existing and new legislation anticipating future legislation enforcing adherence to requirements advising management on needed actions.Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.Occupational Therapist Skills and QualificationsHealth Promotion and Maintenance, Creating a Safe, Effective Environment, Motivating Others, Legal Compliance, Bedside Manner, Medical Teamwork, Mental Health, Pain Management, Listening, Analyzing Information , Quality FocusFind out more about recruiting trends inthehealthcare industry. Employers Post a job in minutes to reach candidates everywhere. Job Seekers Search Occupational Therapist Jobs and apply on now. Learn more about how to write a job descriptionHow to Write a Job Description Resource PageHR Salary Information Employee CompensationBenchmarking 101 How to Pay New Hires
Monday, December 9, 2019
The Absolute Best System You Need to Be Using for Ats Friendly Resume Template Free
The Absolute Best System You Need to Be Using for Ats Friendly Resume Template Free The Upside to Ats Friendly Resume Template Free Researching the business and the work description, and including appropriate key phrases and phrases, are vital to your success. There are a lot of free creative resume templates you are able to use, enabling you to focus your energy on everything else you should do. Professionally, our resumes are often the very first impression a possible employer gets of us. Dont hesitate to download, share and become inspired. Odds are, if youre applying on the internet for a job, your resume will be screened and ranked by means of an ATS. All our resumes are a breeze to edit and they are also able to be customized to your liking. Whats important is to make sure everything on your resume is critical. If you get a personal site, published writing samples, or a web-based portfolio, link that in your Contact Information section, so long as its related to your p referred job. Theres so many to pick from in his package that theres no use in describing a few of the features, because youll certainly be able to obtain what you need within. Templates also show you exactly what information you will need to have in your CV, such as what information to put in each individual part of your CV, and what sort of language to use. There are lots of free resume templates readily available on the web but sometimes it can be quite tough to pick the best one that is most suited to you. Again, a Human Resources Manager is frequently anticipated to cover a wide array of duties so that it is critical to remain as organized as possible at all times so youre going to be well ready to deal with a range of scenarios due to the fact that they crop up. Whichever tafelgeschirr you decide on, I cant overstate the worth of working with an expert job resume template. Customer service is remarkable. To raise your odds of working within this area, you require profe ssional childcare provider resume templates. Comprehending the distinction between a resume and curriculum vitae is a good deal more significant before you opt for a template. Our cv template is ATS friendly, which is simple to scan, and itll assist the hiring manager to be sure that youre the proper candidate. These templates are excellent for a graphic artist or designer as an example, but if youre applying to become an accountant, you might want to go for an elegant or traditional design instead. Utilizing a resume template is now an acceptable and smart practice for numerous explanations. The Basic Facts of Ats Friendly Resume Template Free The freebie includes a PSD file and all the layers are named and grouped perfectly and simple to customize to fulfill your needs. The layouts are made in such a manner they make the resume stick out. Sometimes all you will need is a traditional style template thats clean, clear and right to the point. Then the upcoming big issue is to d ecide on the template style for the cv. The Benefits of Ats Friendly Resume Template Free Its possible to use sheet protectors or only use a 3 hole punch and set them in the binder. Below are the supplies will want to go replenished often. The panels are rigid, which delivers the binders a strong and skilled appearance. You might also have binder cover templates from various websites and blogs but most are paid not downloadable at no price tag. Resume is the very first thing when employers get to understand about you. Our Talent Acquisition team appears for a massive number of abilities when searching for teammates. Budget Binders are a wonderful means for your finances organized. Deciding upon the right resume template will not just make it possible for you to highlight the best aspects of your experience and techniques, but nevertheless, it will also focus your focus to demonstrating what value it is possible to provide prospective employers. The Upside to Ats Friendly Resume Template Free Career aspirants have to take notenzeichen of a resume template rather than a program load vitae template. Producing your resume is essential. Creating your resume is essential. Career aspirants ought to be on the lookout for a resume template in place of a curriculum vitae template. The upcoming free resume template is made in the shape of a brochure.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Writing a Professor Resume Without Work Experience
If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Writing a Professor Resume Without Work Experience In case you have any part-time work, that will go a ways towards a wonderful experience section. You might not have work experience, but you are still able to show off your charming personality. Possessing no work experience doesnt mean that you are unqualified. In your resume, youre able to only include things like work experience directly associated with the job which you apply. Different job postings will have different key terms, different job duties listed, and so forth. The resume writer would like to continue to keep things simplistic. Dont worry, everyone once begun to find a very first job and well let you know the way to do it mora effectively. Finding a job for the very first time is tough. The Birth of Writing a Professor Resume Without Work Experience Resume writing objective is a significant portion of the resume, without it resume wont leave its effect on t he recruiter. There are plenty of statements one can utilize to make an effective resume. The function of the career objective isnt to tell the hiring manger what you would like to escape the business. Your resume should be formatted in an easy, professional method. Resume writing Objective is an integral section in any sort of resume. While the functional resume format may be an attractive alternative for job seekers with minimal experience, most employers would rather have a chronological or hybrid resume format. Using Microsoft resume templates may provide you with some rather professional looking documents.
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Action Word Resume Format
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